A father and son team, Kevin Fabiano and Kevin Jr., has bought Alpine Mountain Ski Resort and launched a multi-million dollar renovation of the area, estimated to reach $3 million in improvements by December 2014.
The Fabianos purchased the area from Appletree Resource Group, which had owned the area for about fi ve years. Previously, it had been owned by the Poalillo family for a quarter century. The area has operated for 58 years in all. This is the Fabianos’ fi rst foray into the resort business. However, they are not strangers to winter sports; Fabiano Sr. and his wife were both instructors at Alpine years ago. Fabiano had attempted to purchase the area once before, nearly a decade ago. In the recent past, he owned a string of English language training schools in China, and backed his son’s successful pizza restaurant business.
Now that father and son own the resort, they have hit the ground running. They closed on the area Saturday, Apr. 12, and crews began work Monday morning, Apr. 14. The main lodge and all outbuildings are getting a facelift, and the duo is changing confi gurations to some buildings. They are also regrading the parking area and rebuilding a bridge on the access road.
On-hill, they plan to strengthen the resort’s reputation as a learn-to area, and add a series of three progression parks. To support these efforts, both the parks and the beginner area will have dedicated lifts, including a new conveyor lift for never-evers.
Other improvements planned for next winter: an outdoor skating rink, snowshoeingand XC skiing, and sleigh rides. “We don’t expect these to be big activities, but we want to accommodate everyone in the family,” said Fabiano Sr. “We’re trying to build a more loyal, repeat fan base.”
Part of that effort involves making winter sports affordable. The cafeteria area will be mostly fast-food franchises in a sort of food court, and the resort will accommodate brown-baggers. “We want to make it a pleasurable place to come, but also very affordable,” Fabiano added.
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